Elevators are restricted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All floors require a Datawatch access card. Elevators may be used to return to the lobby from upper floors at any time, without a card. Access cards are required to access C1 level (garage). There is no elevator access from lowest level of garage.
Should an elevator stop between floors while you are in it, DO NOT PANIC. All building elevators are equipped with mechanical brakes that are designed to operate under any condition, including power failure. Do not attempt to leave the car. Push the emergency button and use the elevator phone which automatically dials to an off-site monitoring center; which will follow written procedures to obtain emergency personnel to secure release of trapped passengers.
During a Fire Emergency, do not use the elevators.
If you, at any time, experience any irregularity or difficulty with elevator service, please report it immediately to the Management Office.